When you are first diagnosed, it is quite normal to be in a state of shock. Some people may not actually have 100% diagnosis at the start and may not find out the detail until they have a biopsy or surgery. If the type of tumour is known, ask the doctor to write down the name and grade of the tumour; this is very important as there are over 120 different types of brain tumour and some support groups, like ours, are quite specific. The shock of the news often means that you may not ‘take in’ all that you are being told at appointments so it is quite acceptable to take along a family member or friend to take notes or, as long as the medical team are made aware, to actually record your meetings. Ask your medical team for any other written information, if there is any. After diagnosis, prepare yourself for your next appointments and to help you in this, our website gives you ideas of what to ask at the various stages of diagnosis, surgery, treatments and follow up. http://www.astrofund.org.uk/after-diagnosis.php
You should be allocated a Clinical Nurse Specialist; if you are not, do ask about it – this CNS will be your ‘go to’ person if you have issues in between appointments